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Terms and Conditions

1. Terms

The following constitutes the terms (“Terms”) of your Classic Computer Repair Membership (“CCR Membership”). These Terms are between you and Gnesotto Media, LLC d/b/a Classic Computer Repair and/or its affiliates or authorized third party service providers (“Classic Computer Repair,” “CCR,” “We,” or “Us”) and govern our respective rights and obligations. These Terms and any special pricing, promotional offers or other benefits provided to you in connection with the Membership, or for use of the Membership, constitute the entire agreement between you and CCR related to the Membership. For more information on this, see Section 20. By enrolling in and continuing to use the Membership, you accept these terms, conditions, limitations and requirements. We may make changes to these Terms or terminate the Membership program. If we make material changes or terminate the program, we may notify you by email.



2. Classic Computer Repair Services Membership

We will provide the Membership services to the person who is identified as the Member of CCR Membership (“Member,” “You,” or “Your”) and the Member’s family living at the Member’s primary home address. Any Membership benefits that are to be received in, or delivered to, the home, will only be available at the primary home address associated with this Membership,
which must be located in Roscommon and Crawford Counties (“Member Address”). Additional information regarding eligibility for Membership benefits is set forth in Section 11 below.

3. Here's What The CCR Membership Includes:

  1. CCR Membership Basic Package. As a Member of the CCR Membership Basic Package, You will receive:
    • Priority Service
    • Remote Support
    • Annual PC Checkup and Tune-up
    • Standard Setup with Hardware Purchased Through CCR
    • 10% Discount on repairs and advanced services
  2. CCR Membership Plus Package. As a Member of the CCR Membership Plus Package, You will receive all of the benefits of the CCR Membership Basic Package in addition to:
    • Antivirus and Antimalware Protection
    • Cloud Backup
    • 15% Discount on repairs and advanced services
  3. CCR Membership Premium Package. As a Member of the CCR Membership Premium Package, You will receive the benefits of the CCR Membership Plus Package in addition to:
    • Remote maintenance and monitoring
    • 20% Discount on repairs and advanced services
    • 20% off In-home services (Must be located in Roscommon County (“Member Address”). Additional information regarding eligibility for Membership benefits is set forth in Section 11 below.)
  4. Discounts. Discounts apply solely to labor and do not apply to parts, accessories, or
  5. Exclusive Member-priced offers and priority access to limited supply items. As a Member, You will be eligible for exclusive Member-priced offers, sales, events, and have priority access to certain limited supply item events. Quantity limits may apply.
  6. VIP Customer Support. You will have access to a Membership support line where you will receive advice, customer service, and coordination via phone or chat. You will be provided with decision-making advice tailored just for you, which empowers you to get the most out of the products you own. Please note that calls must be made from the telephone number identified on the Member account to receive support.

4. Additional Terms

Services provided by CCR and/or by our authorized service providers are subject to the additional terms, limitations and exclusions below.
  • We may not be able to fix a problem if You refuse to upgrade Your operating system or software.
  • Hardware failure is not covered.
  • We will not be able to fix or support issues caused by or related to services provided by a third party, such as cable or internet.
  • This Membership is not intended to provide support for product categories that CCR does not sell and/or service; however, at our discretion, We may attempt to provide reasonable assistance to you.
  • For product categories that CCR sells and/or services, We will do our best to provide technical support whenever possible. However, We reserve the right to determine that the assistance You seek cannot be provided remotely via telephone or web-based chat. In these situations, if You want further assistance, We may offer You the option to schedule a CCR agent or a CCR-authorized third-party service provider to perform in-home work at the Member Address for an additional charge, including a trip charge if applicable. Additionally, in some cases, the support We can provide may be limited due to the frequency of support requests or due to other practical reasons including but not limited to when the manufacturer or another service provider must be contacted.
  • The services and support provided by this Membership are subject to any applicable descriptions for each service or other written document applicable to a particular service, which We will make available to You upon Your request.
  • Any required permits to complete a job will have an additional charge.
  • We reserve the right to charge additional fees at our discretion for in-home work that requires more than 90 minutes to complete.
  • We reserve the right to charge a $49.99 fee if You schedule in-home work and fail to provide access to the Member Address, cancel an appointment within two hours of the scheduled appointment, or miss an appointment.
  • Services may be performed, at our discretion, by either our own employees or one of our authorized, independent third-party contractors. We require our third-party contractors to conduct a background check on any person they hire who would enter Your home.

5. How to Get Our Help

You may obtain help with Your Membership by logging into the Member’s account at or by calling Us at (989)281-1409. All calls must be made from the telephone number associated with Your Membership.

In-home services will be performed during CCR’s normal business hours at the Member Address identified on Your Membership profile only. Services will be performed by a CCR agent or a CCR-authorized third-party service provider at our discretion. We may use tools We deem necessary for our technical support and services, including remote access, and We may install software that allows You to obtain additional technology services.

6. CCR Account

As a condition to Membership, the Member must establish and/or maintain a free account for the entire duration of Membership and provide information to confirm the Member Address. CCR may rely upon the information provided on Your account Membership profile as the Member Address. There is no cost to have an account but there are various benefits. The Member authorizes Us to automatically create a CCR account for the Member and to link this newly established CCR account to the Membership. If We automatically create a CCR account for the Member, We will send the Member an email confirming enrollment. This email will contain a link to the Terms and Conditions, which the Member will be deemed to have read and consented to if the Member does not subsequently cancel the enrollment within 30 days of receipt of such email. If the Member elects not to consent to the Terms and Conditions by cancelling within 30 days of receipt of such email, or if the CCR account linked to the Membership is closed at any time for any reason, We may, at our option, cancel Your Membership.

7. Your Responsibility to Back Up Data

Before We service Your device or any other equipment, if applicable, it is Your responsibility to (1) back-up the data, software, information, or other files stored on Your hard disk drives or any other data storage device; and (2) remove and/or disconnect all USB flash drives, optical discs, external hard drives, and other removable data storage devices and media from Your device or
other equipment that You provide to us. At Your request, We will back-up the data on Your device. We are not responsible for damage to or loss of any software or data that was residing or recorded on Your devices and/or equipment.

8. Your Other Responsibilities

To receive Membership benefits, You agree to comply with each of the Terms and Conditions listed below and as otherwise stated in these Terms:
  1. To receive web-based remote technical support, You will need to provide a high- speed internet connection.
  2. You will provide information about the symptoms and causes of the issues You are experiencing.
  3. You will respond to our requests for information such as the product serial number, model, version of the operating system and software installed, any peripheral devices connected or installed on the product, any error messages displayed, the actions taken before the product experienced the issue, and the steps taken to resolve the issue.
  4. Services We perform concerning Your products or in Your home are subject to other terms and conditions, which We will make available to You via our website or upon Your request. Such other terms and conditions do not form a part of these Terms and are a separate legal document.
  5. If applicable, You are responsible for dropping off and picking up Your product for service at a CCR retail store.
  6. For any in-home services, You will provide access to the Member Address (and any devices, appliances, products, or equipment requiring technical support or service) during CCR’s normal business hours for Us to provide support and/or services.
  7. You must provide a safe, non-threatening environment for Us to provide technical support and/or services.
  8. You must maintain an active payment method on file at all times during Membership, as it is an automatically renewing plan. Failure to maintain an active payment method on file may result in cancellation of Your Membership and loss of Member benefits.
  9. If any building or zoning permits are necessary for any services, You are responsible for paying for and/or obtaining these permits and the cost associated with these permits.
  10. You will use Membership benefits solely for personal, non-business use only and will not resell or otherwise use, or authorize others to use, any Membership benefits as part of any sale or service that You provide to Your customers or for any other commercial use.

9. Eligibility for Membership Benefits

At our discretion, We may ask questions and take steps to verify that the person using the Membership benefits is the Member or is a family Member residing at the same Member Address as the Member and/or is in lawful possession of the product(s) for which that person is seeking assistance. Further, to receive the Membership benefits, the person seeking entitlement will need to proactively self-identify as a Member and provide sufficient information to Us such that We can process any resulting transaction as a Member benefit. Membership cannot be assigned or transferred. You agree only persons who have reached the age of majority may enter into a Membership and accept these Terms during Your Membership.

10. Automatic Renewal

The Classic Computer Repair Membership begins on the date it is initially purchased and will continue indefinitely on either a year-to-year basis if You purchased a yearly membership or a month-to-month basis if You purchased a monthly membership until it is cancelled. You authorize Us to charge Your designated payment card at the beginning of each billing period for the then-current price plus tax for the membership, subject to Us giving notice to You of any price changes as per section 11(g) below. You may cancel Your membership at any time subject to the terms of Section 11 below.

11. Cancellation; Renewal; and change of terms or plan price

  1. How to cancel. You may cancel at any time by calling (989)281-1409 or from Your online profile by visiting
  2. Cancellation Refund. If the Member cancels the Membership, the Member will be given a pro-rated refund based on the number of days remaining in the billing period beyond the cancellation date. We may deduct from any refund the value of Membership benefits (e.g., product discounts, services, etc.) and/or the price You paid for any limited supply item(s) purchased during priority access or Members-only events.
  3. Cancellation or Suspension of the Membership by Us. Your Membership may be cancelled by Us due to the failure to maintain an account as provided in Section 6, Your failure to comply with or fulfill any other material obligation under these Terms as determined by Us (e.g., failure to maintain an active payment method on file, fraud
    or material misrepresentation, or unsafe or offensive work environment/conditions), or nonpayment of the membership fee or other amounts owed to Us under the Membership (“Non-Payment Event”). If a Non-Payment Event occurs, We will
    provide the Member written notice (e.g., via the email address in Your Membership profile) of the Non-Payment Event. If You do not cure the Non-Payment Event, Your Membership will be cancelled retroactively to midnight on the last day of the
    preceding billing period. At our sole option, We may provide additional opportunities to cure the Non-Payment Event pursuant to the notice(s) We send to You regarding the Non-Payment Event. We may also suspend performance of our obligations while a Non-Payment Event exists or any other situation where You failed to pay Us an amount that is due or where You failed to comply with or fulfill any other material obligation under these Terms.
  4. Renewals. As explained in Section 10 above, your membership will continue indefinitely on either a year-to-year basis if you purchased a yearly membership or a month-to-month basis if you purchased a monthly membership until cancelled or not renewed by you or us in accordance with these terms. At our discretion, We may discontinue the renewal of Your Membership on at least 30 days’ prior written notice or offer You a new contract. Subject to our responsibility to inform You in advance of a change in price provided in Section 13(g) below, Your designated payment card
    will be charged the amount of the then-current price if You do not cancel Your Membership prior to the applicable renewal date.
  5. Change of terms or plan price. We may change the price of the Membership at any time upon 30 days’ notice to you. We may in our discretion change these Terms or any aspect of the Membership without notice to you. If any change to these Terms is found invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that change is severable and
    does not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining changes or conditions. Your continued Membership after We change the price for the Membership or these terms constitutes Your acceptance of the changes. If You do not agree to any changes, You must cancel Your Membership.
  6. Notice. We will notify You regarding Your Membership (e.g., cancellations, changes in price, etc.) to the e-mail address You provided to us. It is Your responsibility to contact Us at calling (989)281-1409 to update Your e-mail address if necessary. We may also send You any notices to the postal address We have on file for You.

12. Limitations of Service

We shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance due to any cause beyond our control. We may refrain from providing Membership benefits, wholly or in part, on the basis that the minimum system requirements are not met or if Your technical needs or other requirements are unusual or extensive and beyond the scope of these Terms, as determined by Us.

13. Disclaimer of Warranties

The Membership benefits are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We make no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. We make no warranty that the Membership benefits will meet Your requirements, or that the Membership
benefits will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free; nor do We make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the Membership benefits or as to the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through the Membership benefits. Your use of the Membership benefits and any material and/or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Membership benefits is done at Your own discretion and risk and that You will be solely responsible for any damage to Your computer/system or loss of data that results from the download of such material and/or data. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by You from Us or through the Membership benefits shall create any warranty not expressly made herein. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you.

14. Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law: (a) We will under no circumstances be liable to You for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including but not limited to costs of recovering, reprogramming, or reproducing any program or data or the failure to maintain the confidentiality of data, any loss of business, profits, revenue or anticipated savings, resulting from our obligations under these terms; and (b) our total liability under these terms shall not
exceed the original purchase price of the membership including taxes. The limitations in this section will not limit or exclude liability caused by our gross negligence, intentional misconduct or fraud.

15. Dispute Resolution by Binding Individual Arbitration

Any dispute involving You and CCR or any of its agents must be resolved through individual arbitration. The term “dispute” shall be interpreted broadly and cover any claim or controversy arising out of or relating in any way whatsoever to Your relationship or interaction with CCR, its agents, and its present and future subsidiaries, affiliates, and designees whether based in contract, tort, statute, fraud, misrepresentation, or any other legal theory. Examples of relationships or interactions giving rise to a covered claim include, without limitation: (1) Your use of CCR’s websites; (2) Your subscription-based services; (3) Your receipt of delivery, repair or installation services or consultation services provided by CCR or its agents; (4) any communications between You and CCR; (5) application for financing; and/or (6) Your purchase of products or services offered, sold, or distributed by CCR including, but not limited to, any Dispute arising from the advertising of, or the sales practices related to, such products and services. If You are a CCR Member, Dispute shall also include all disputes that arose before Your enrollment in, and after the cancellation or termination of, the CCR Membership program, including any claims that are the subject of a purported class action litigation.


Before either Party may initiate an arbitration proceeding, You and CCR agree to engage in a good faith effort to resolve the Dispute informally for 60 days, unless that time is extended by agreement. If You intend to initiate an arbitration proceeding, You must first send a fully completed notice of Your Dispute (“Notice”) to CCR. The Notice must include Your name,
address, telephone number, email address, and information sufficient to enable CCR to identify any transaction at issue. The Notice must also include a detailed description of (1) Your Dispute; (2) the specific facts supporting Your claim(s); (3) the nature and basis of the damages You claim to have suffered; and (4) a calculation and explanation of the relief sought. Your Notice shall be personally signed by You and sent to CCR at 

  • Classic Computer Repair
  • 451 W. Federal Highway
  • Roscommon, MI 48653

or by email at [email protected]. If CCR intends to initiate an arbitration proceeding, it will send a Notice to You at the contact information We have on file. If requested by CCR as part of this mandatory informal dispute resolution process, You agree to personally participate (along with Your counsel if You are represented) in a telephone conference to discuss the potential resolution of the Dispute between You and CCR. If the Dispute is not resolved within 60 days after receipt of the Notice (or the longer period agreed to by the Parties), You or CCR may proceed with individual arbitration (this informal process is a condition precedent to doing so.). If the sufficiency of a Notice or compliance with this mandatory informal dispute resolution process is at issue, it may be decided by a court at either Party’s election, and any formal dispute resolution proceeding shall be stayed pending resolution of the issue. A court shall have the authority to enforce this condition precedent, which includes the
power to enjoin the filing or prosecution of a demand for arbitration.

If the Parties are not able to resolve the Dispute through the mandatory informal dispute resolution process referenced above, either Party may initiate an arbitration proceeding by sending a demand to the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) that describes the nature and basis for the claim and includes all of the information required in the Notice. The Party initiating arbitration must include as part of the demand a personally signed certification of compliance with the informal dispute resolution process. You may serve a copy of a demand on Classic Computer Repair, 451 W. Federal Highway, Roscommon, MI 48653

 The arbitration will be governed by the AAA’s applicable Consumer Arbitration Rules or Commercial Arbitration Rules (collectively, the “AAA Rules”), as appropriate, and as modified by these Terms, and will be administered by the AAA. The AAA Rules and the form for filing an arbitration claim are available at If the AAA is unavailable or unwilling to administer the arbitration consistent with this Dispute Resolution section, another arbitration provider shall be selected by the Parties that will administer the arbitration consistent with it. If the Parties cannot agree on a provider, one shall be selected by a court that will administer the arbitration consistent with this Dispute Resolution section.

Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will be governed by the AAA’s Rules.

The Parties shall be responsible for their own attorney’s fees and costs in arbitration unless the arbitrator determines that a claim or proceeding was frivolous or brought for an improper purpose or in bad faith (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)). The arbitrator shall apply the provisions of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 68 after entry of the award.

You may choose to have the arbitration conducted by telephone, virtually, based on written submissions, or at an in person hearing in the county where You live or at another mutually agreed upon location. CCR reserves the right to request a hearing from the arbitrator. You agree to personally appear at any in person hearing (along with Your counsel if You are represented).

YOU AND CCR AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS, CONSOLIDATED, PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. THIS MEANS THAT YOU MAY NOT PURPORT TO ACT ON BEHALF OF A CLASS OR ANY OTHER PERSON. The arbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party’s individual claim. The arbitrator may not award relief for or against anyone who is not a party to the arbitration proceeding. Further, unless both You and CCR agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. If a court determines that a claim for public injunctive relief may not be waived, and all appeals as of right from that decision have been exhausted or the time for taking an appeal of right has elapsed, then the Parties agree that any claim for public injunctive relief shall be stayed pending arbitration of the remaining claims.


This dispute resolution provision shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 USC § 1, et seq. It shall survive any termination or cancellation of, or Your participation in, any Membership programs or subscription services and Your relationship with CCR.

16. Applicable Law

The Federal Arbitration Act, 9 USC § 1, et seq., and applicable federal law (or in the absence of applicable federal law, then the laws of the state of Michigan), without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these terms and apply to any disputes or claims between You and CCR.

17. Electronic Delivery

You agree to receive electronic delivery of the Terms and Conditions at the email address provided in Your Member profile. You also agree to receive electronic delivery of any Membership related communications at the e-mail address provided in Your Member profile.

18. Communication

CCR or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, and their authorized independent third parties performing services on Our behalf may call, text, or email You to schedule, provide support or service, update orders, follow up for feedback, and/or inform You about other products/services. Calls may be prerecorded. Calls and texts may be automated. Consent for follow up calls or texts is not a condition of purchase. Message and data rates may apply.

19. Entire Agreement

These Terms together with any special pricing, promotional offers or other benefits provided to You in connection with the Membership, or for use of the Membership, constitute the entire agreement between You and Us with respect to the services and benefits to be provided to You under the CCR Membership and will prevail over any conflicting, additional, or other terms of any marketing or other document or representation. Employees and agents of CCR have no authority (apparent, express, implied, or otherwise) to alter or modify the terms of this Agreement either orally or in writing.

Last Updated: July 2024

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